A Creative Mind
Thanks for taking the time to visit my page! My name is Vicki Kronoff, I was born and raised in Maine, I spent my childhood exploring nature and from an early age found comfort in the great outdoors. I would do crafts with my mother and aunt inspired by the beautiful landscape that surrounded us.
For a long time after college my artistic interests lay dormant. I was more focused on my career than taking time to craft and moved to Massachusetts in 2002 where I met my future husband, Adam. We were married by 2005 and bought our first house in Groveland, MA in 2006 which we shared with our two Old English Bulldogs. We decided to start a family and in 2009 our wonderful son, Calan came into this world! I always enjoyed doing projects and crafts with my son but, being a boy, he wasn't always as into the projects as I was!
As our son grew older his interest in doing crafts with his mom began to wain, leaving me restless and wanting to create! I tried knitting but it wasn't as enjoyable as I had hoped but I found that I really enjoyed to crochet. That small decision to teach myself how to crochet reminded me how much I missed doing crafts and I began to look for more projects to take on.
I soon learned about #TheKindnessRocksProject and thus begins our journey to where we are today! I have always been a private person but in 2018 I decided to put myself out there I started the Groveland MA Rocks Facebook group. I thought that if I could brighten even just one persons day that it would all be worth it! 2 years later we have grown to 530 members and have had rocks from our community travel around the globe and land as far away as England and Puerto Rico!
As Groveland MA Rocks gained momentum I found myself doing events in the community during field days, etc. I would purchase all of the rocks, paints and supplies to be able to give the kids (and adults) in the community an opportunity to create their own works of art to keep or to hide around town for others to find. While it wasn't super expensive and in some cases supplies were donated I wanted a way to try and offset some of the costs for these events and thus Which Craft Rocks was born!